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Women are born creators, gifted with a deep well of inner strength and wisdom. Unfortunately, both conventional Western medicine and modern societal conventions tend to ignore / downplay the delicate balance required to keep us healthy and whole.

“Women’s health” encompasses ALL aspects of feminine wellbeing—not just the baby-making part. Blossom & Be welcomes all those who identify as women, in every phase of their life cycle.

Issues We Can Help Include…

  • Aging
  • Adrenal imbalance
  • Chronic yeast infections
  • Endometriosis
  • Fertility
  • Fibroids
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Hysterectomy recovery
  • IVF / IUI support
  • Menopause
  • Ovarian cysts
  • Painful / irregular menses
  • PCOS
  • Pelvic floor dysfunction
  • Pre- / postnatal care
  • Scar tissue recovery
The Art of Creation Signature Service Massage Asheville

*Signature Service*

Art of Creation™ • $360 (3 hour session)

Whether you’re birthing a business, birthing a creative project, or birthing a baby, the act of creation is often steeped in fear, resistance, and conflicting emotions. Most people look outside themselves for the answers—systems and plans and lifestyle changes—but the real answers lie within.

Our signature service combines powerful breathwork, mandala art exploration, reflective processing, followed by a nourishing one-hour massage to bring out your inner creator and connect it to the external world.

Nourish yourself from root to bloom.

Call us for more information or to schedule a session.

Looking for prenatal and/or infant massage?

Fertility Awareness

This coaching session includes necessary dietary and lifestyles changes to increase the success of getting pregnant. We recommend that you begin this process 2-years before getting pregnant.

Initial consultation (90 minutes in-person or virtual) • $175

Therapeutic Fertility Massage: (Regular massage pricing applies – not available at this time)  

Avyanna uses a special protocol designed to enhance the potential to conceive—naturally, or with assisted reproductive technology. Sessions include craniosacral techniques, guided imagery and mantras, acupressure, sacrum and pelvic work, uterine positioning, and more.

Men’s / Partner Fertility Massage: (Regular Massage Pricing Applies – Not available at this time)

Healthy reproduction involves both partners, regardless of which one carries. We offer massage and lifestyle recommendations to support fertility throughout your family.

Workshops & Special Sessions:

Couples Fertility Massage (not available at this time)

Learn to do fertility massage on each other in a one-on-one (well, two-on-one) setting.

Conscious Conception

Prepare to awaken your inner “mother” with an integrated preparation of mind, body, and spirit. We look at motives, attractions, skills, creative energies, and inner presence as we assess and create a cosmic blueprint for welcoming your spirit baby into your world.

Initial Virtual 2-hour session $240

Fertility Awareness - Women's Health
Abdominal Massage Asheville Blossom & Be

Abdominal Massage • (regular massage pricing applies)

Initial consultation (90- minutes; therapeutic bodywork, and energy balancing) • $175

Future sessions are 90-minutes • $150

The abdominal area houses some of the key muscles that contribute to pain in the hips and lower back. Most of our anxiety, past trauma, shame, and fear tend to settle there as well.

Abdominal massage can help address digestive distress, scar tissue, lymph flow, and pelvic issues.

V-Steam (not available at this time)

Initial consultation (120 minutes; includes full service) • $175

90 minutes • $150

All sessions include a post-steam abdominal massage, warm cocoon wrap and energy balancing.

Yoni steaming (also known as vaginal steam / V-steam) is a staple of gynecological care in countries around the world, dating back as far as the Aztec and Mayan empires. From first blood to postmenopause, V-steam can offer relief and improvement in a variety of areas:

  • Bloating, cramping, and other menstrual discomforts
  • Chronic yeast or other infections
  • Irregular cycles
  • Heavy / dark blood flow
  • Menstrual cramps
  • Healing postpartum
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Reduce the effects of uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, and tilted uterus
  • Vaginal dryness

After your steam, you’ll be wrapped in warmth and given an abdominal massage with energy balancing to help you integrate the treatment.

V-Steam Women's Health Asheville Blossom & Be

Disclaimer: These therapies are not a substitute for primary care. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. With all alternative and complementary health care, the client should consult with their health care provider. Our services are not intended to replace any other traditional health care the client is receiving.

We also offer workshops and classes on topics like Co-Creative Partnerships, Couples Fertility Massage, and more.
Join our mailing list for details.

Rev. Avyanna Grace, LMBT

Avyanna Grace, LMBT

Avyanna has been healing since she was a wild, barefooted kid trying to bring birds back to life in Western Massachusetts.

Her specialties include:

Abdominal Massage
Fertility Massage
Higher Alignment™ Coaching
Inner Presence Coaching™
Deep Swedish Massage
Myofascial Release
Preconception Coaching
Scar Tissue Mobilization
Shamanic Breathwork 
Vaginal / Yoni Steam