Fertility Awareness
This coaching session includes necessary dietary and lifestyles changes to increase the success of getting pregnant. We recommend that you begin this process 2-years before getting pregnant.
Initial consultation (90 minutes in-person or virtual) • $175
Therapeutic Fertility Massage: (Regular massage pricing applies – not available at this time)
Avyanna uses a special protocol designed to enhance the potential to conceive—naturally, or with assisted reproductive technology. Sessions include craniosacral techniques, guided imagery and mantras, acupressure, sacrum and pelvic work, uterine positioning, and more.
Men’s / Partner Fertility Massage: (Regular Massage Pricing Applies – Not available at this time)
Healthy reproduction involves both partners, regardless of which one carries. We offer massage and lifestyle recommendations to support fertility throughout your family.
Workshops & Special Sessions:
Couples Fertility Massage (not available at this time)
Learn to do fertility massage on each other in a one-on-one (well, two-on-one) setting.
Conscious Conception
Prepare to awaken your inner “mother” with an integrated preparation of mind, body, and spirit. We look at motives, attractions, skills, creative energies, and inner presence as we assess and create a cosmic blueprint for welcoming your spirit baby into your world.
Initial Virtual 2-hour session $240