The Art of Dating - Free Intro and 12-week program

The Art of Dating – 12-Week Live Webinar

Begins Monday, Feb 1st from 7-9pm Eastern Time on Zoom Click here to register or learn more.

💘 My Story

After several challenging relationships and decades of counseling, 12-step programs, self-help books and workshops, I was left feeling heart-broken and hopeless.

So, I took a step back to reconnect with myself, with nature, and what the hell I was doing on this planet. In this space of uncertainty, I stumbled upon a new way of seeing myself and engaging relationships. I was seen and saw myself for the first time for who I was – brilliant and whole! I was neither broken nor destined to live the rest of my years alone. I embraced wholeheartedly this method that I found and that you will be learning in the Art of Dating. Avyanna, and I met 6-months later on and the rest is history.

Today, I am happily married, have a beautiful son, and co-own and operate Blossom and Be Wellness Retreat, where we teach practical and innovative skills to singles, couples, and groups to heal, connect, and live and work together at their highest potential. I hope this journey will be just as rewarding for you as it has been for me.

“Conscious dating means being conscious of who I am and how I show up.” 

💘The Program

Modern dating can be a scary and confusing process comprised of individuals with mixed motives and unclear desires. Fortunately, The Art of Dating provides resources that allow us to clear out our own garbage, cut through the multitude of poor choices, and launch cupid’s arrow straight towards the bullseye. The experience you gain in this course can save you months of wasted effort, frustration, and disappointment.

You will learn to:

  • Recognize old relationship patterns and tendencies to self-sabotage
  • Love your creative self
  • Uplift your relationship, communication, and decision-making skills
  • Write a balanced dating profile with pictures highlighting your strengths and reveal your vulnerabilities
  • Craft a vision board to call in the One
  • Identify codependent pitfalls and recognize how insecurities become self-fulfilling prophesies
  • Discover agape – true, adult, self-radiating love
  • Employ energetic centering skills to engage responsively without getting emmeshed or detaching
  • Recognize similarities and differences and quickly assess the quality of your candidates
  • Ask difficult questions, share fears and desires, and trust your gut
  • Engage uncomfortable topics like commitments, sex, children, family, holidays, health, politics, pets, religion, and addictions
  • Set clear boundaries and ask for what you want
  • Identify and respond to red flags
  • Consciously assert and open yourself for your trail mate to show up 

💘 The Format

I will be your guide leading you through (12) twelve weekly 2-hour classes on-line with instruction, discussion, notes, break-out sessions, and process to include guided visualizations, partner practices, journaling, rituals, art, and homework exercises with your classmates. You will write your dating profile and we will look at and discuss pictures and profiles of your dating candidates. You will be encouraged to engage the dating process. We will have one virtual or in-person social gathering (depending on the geographics of the students). This process is for any gender association you identify with and any hetero-, homo-, bi- relationship model you are calling in.

💘 The Atmosphere

We will breathe in this Art of Dating slowly and deliberately so you can emotionally and energetically prepare and align yourself for a companion with a similar vision to enter your field. The goal is to create curiosity about people that we meet on the path towards finding your trail mate. You will learn about yourself and humanity through compassion and grace. Our class will be in this process together. We will learn about each other and likely make some friends along the way.

💘 The Target

Conscious dating is becoming more and more desirable. We no longer need to stay in partnerships for safety, security, or self-importance reasons like our parents and grandparents. This demands deeper, more meaningful, and significant reasons to move forward side-by-side with another human.

“Falling in love” in general is not a very conscious option at all these days.

Let’s call in partners with long term compatibility traits, synergy, and an enthusiasm to co-create.

Let’s be together with mutual respect, playfulness, and emotional maturity.

Let’s come together because we enjoy each other company, lift each other up, and better serve ourselves, our friends, our families, and community more so together than apart.

Let’s take our time, learn about ourselves and others, and enjoy the journey.

“I highly recommend The Art of Dating program. I got all the support , encouragement, and strategies I needed to re-enter the dating world. The class was filled with quality content and information, as well a lot of experiential processes that helped with the class content. Phoenix and Karen are great facilitators , and did a great job communicating the core principles of the class and are both gifted in creating a culture of sharing and support amongst the participants.” ~David Nygaard

Let’s “Ascend to Love”.

💘 Logistics

  • Begins Monday, Feb 1st from 7-9pm Eastern Time on Zoom
  • Continues for a total of (12) Twelve consecutive Mondays.
  • Group Class: $600
  • Private Individual Coaching: $2750 (this same course taught one-on-one)


💘 I look forward to exploring the Art of Dating together! 💘


Blossom & Be Wellness Retreat
Therapeutic Bodywork
Relationship and Dating Coaching
Women’s Health
Primal Diet Coaching
Health Coaching