With holidays just around the corner I want to share some familiar Thanksgiving recipes with a new twist. This time of year is laden with feasts of traditional dishes that invoke the spirit of home, familiar comforts and the sweetness of rich desserts. What happens when...

What IS the Primal Diet? Diet of raw animal meats & fats Through research and understanding of both human biochemistry and the laws of nature, we recognize that the best building blocks for regenerating new, healthy cells and healthy cell growth and development are raw animal amino...

Honey is probably the third most important component of the Primal Diet. First and second being raw animal fats and raw animal proteins for building healthy new cells. If I was stranded on a deserted island, the next food I would search for after wild caught animals...

**Call 911 if you are uncertain of the level of care needed.** **If you suspect a spinal injury do not move, immobilize and call 911.** Open the Airway and Rescue Breathing See American Red Cross current guidelines and take take the course so it comes naturally to you. Click here. Stop the Bleeding Stopping...