09 May Blossom and Be is Goin’ to the Country
Going to the Country
It’s been a while since Blossom & Be has put out a blog and we’d like to take some time to reflect on the ever changing tides of 2022 and catch you up on what’s happening in the present.
As the Asheville area continues to grow and expand, we have been looking for land outside the Buncombe bubble to build our farm and retreat center.
This would allow us to integrate the next phase of our vision:
A farm that produces wholesome food for our retreat center guests, clients, friends, and neighbors.
We had our sights set on both Madison and Yancey County as well as just over the boarder in Eastern TN. To achieve this, we needed to conserve our energy and resources.
Phoenix and I decided to close our wellness retreat center in Black Mountain, open up a wellness office in Weaverville, and make the move to relocate to Tennessee. This allowed us to test the waters and get a real feel for the perspective areas we were considering. The commute over the mountain stretched our daily rhythm and changed the structure of our lives.
Avyanna ultimately let go of her healing practice in the Asheville area to center her energy on full-time mothering and getting integrated and connected in new surroundings.
Asa stepped out into the world more fully and connected with homeschool playgroups, homesteading families, and enjoyed the many activities, playgrounds and hiking trails nearby.
Phoenix worked diligently to bridge the gap between two worlds and did a miraculous job of creating stability for his family, opportunities for community connection, and holding space for all the pieces of our lifework to unify.
There has been a tremendous amount of contraction and expansion as we’ve worked to birth and welcome this next chapter of our lives.
As 2022 was coming to an end, there was a strong current flowing us in a direction we didn’t anticipate. Through a course of fateful circumstances, we made the bold move to push past our comfort zone and embrace a bigger picture coming into focus.
We have moved to the Highlands of Southwest Virginia and are partnering with Simply Grassfed, an up and coming organic farm that specializes in the highest quality pasture raised meats and A2/A2 cheeses.
This flow has been nourishing the biotic elements of our aspirations and creating a space for a diversity of experience and embodied learning. This opportunity is still tender, new, and growing. We’re moving as swiftly as the current allows while observing the cycles and rhythms of the land and taking inventory of the needs of the people. Given time and consideration, the abiotic components of our structure and form will follow.
Phoenix will still be traveling to our office, Blossom & Be Wellness, in Weaverville, to see clients for Therapeutic Bodywork, Primal Diet –Relationship – Personal Growth Coaching and alternating weeks with Asa and I on the farm.
When he’s not in the office, he can be found repairing fences, herding andsorting cattle on horseback and watching the sun set across these“storybook hills”. Avyanna has been digging up a sunny spot in the yard fora new veggie and flower garden, planting seeds and transplanting seedlings, teaching Asa how to ride and care for the ponies, and rediscovering the lost art of mud-pie making.
Asa is having a blast playing soccer with his team, helping Dad out on the farm, and learning how to collect eggs and bottle feed lambs.
This year, we will be vending at the local farmer’s market and running the farm store, growing our farm, retreat center and community projects, while hopefully creating more time to write newsletters and blogs.
I’m sure we’ll have some successes and failures to share as we embark on this journey and re-learn how to farm with a toddler.
With love,
Avyanna, Phoenix & Asa