Some say that sitting is the new smoking. I don’t know if that’s true, but I do know that a large percent of clients, friends, family in our community sit somewhere between 2-10 hours per day and report some form of low back and sciatic pain....

Going to the Country It’s been a while since Blossom & Be has put out a blog and we’d like to take some time to reflect on the ever changing tides of 2022 and catch you up on what’s happening in the present. As the Asheville area...

Local business owners are being pushed out of the market by Amazon. Millions of small business owners are closing because they can not compete with the cheap prices and convenience of one click sales and door step delivery. What are the ramifications? Private businesses disappear and mega-mono-corporations...

Begins Monday, Feb 1st from 7-9pm Eastern Time on Zoom Click here to register or learn more. 💘 My Story After several challenging relationships and decades of counseling, 12-step programs, self-help books and workshops, I was left feeling heart-broken and hopeless. So, I took a step back to...

“You’re NOT the person I fell in love with!”  Have you ever thought this about your partner (or yourself)? You’re not alone. The initial attraction we feel to our partners seems like destiny at the time. We get a gut feeling—THIS is the person I’m supposed to...

If you were planning a trek across the Sahara Desert and could pick only one drink to take with you, what would you pick? It’s highly likely that your answer would be, “WATER, of course.” You may be shocked to find out that you made the wrong...

It’s hard to believe. I often hear others remark, “I thought you were in your 30’s.” I’ve been reflecting on this reality and the steps I have taken on my healing journey. Ironically, I burned the candle on both ends and was exposed to less than...

In the midst of public reaction to the murder of innocent people like George Floyd, I hear criticism of the vandalizing and looting of shops, public buildings and monuments across the country. People are saying things like, “Looting takes away from the message.” Certainly, protesters are...

Alkalinity, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, hydration & detoxification. Fresh raw green vegetable juices provide more than the necessary vitamin-, enzyme-, and mineral-supplementation that is necessary to help regulate body salts lost in daily activity, increase oxygen absorption, remove plaque from arteries and intestines, eliminate toxicity from...

 Many health-conscious people are familiar with child’s pose, one of the most time-tested stretches originating centuries ago in Ayurveda and a wonderful way to stretch and open your low back and rest your spine. Frog Pose, which we are going to show you today, is a...